Coordinating Council

In addition to small (like trail cleaning) and large (like club executive positions) volunteer jobs at the local club level, we are always looking for volunteers to help us out in the following Association positions. If you can help at either level, please email us.

Current Council Members:

President: Matt Borutski
Vice-President West: Vacant
Vice-President Central: Mark Crofts
Vice-President East: Carolynn Reid
Past President: Carole Blaquiere
Treasurer: Kees van Frankenhuyzen
Recording Secretary: Brittany Soltys
Membership Secretary: Brittany Soltys
Publicity Director: Patty Nadon Koro
Hike Ontario Rep/Insurance Coordinator: Carolynn Reid
Trail Maps Coordinator: Steve Dominy
Trails Master:  Vacant
Director-at-Large:  Brittany Paat
These positions are not part of the coordinating council but are still important to the running of the organization.
Newsletter Editor: Tiffany Runge
Newsletter Layout: Tiffany Runge
Insurance Coordinator: Carolynn Reid
Volunteer Coordinator: Kaylee Moore
Social Media Coordinator: Vacant
Trail Data Manager: Heath Bishop
Webmaster: David Beaumont

Current Council Members:

Develops in conjunction with the Recording Secretary, the agenda for Council meetings and the Annual General Meeting, and chairs such meetings. – Coordinates Association- wide activities in conjunction with the three Vice-Presidents. – Prepares a report to members three times a year for publication in the Voyageur Trail News. – Serves as spokesperson for the Association-at-large. – Monitors, and coordinates where appropriate, activities of executive and committee members.

East is designated from Manitoulin Island to Melwel Lodge Road; Central is designated from Melwel Lodge Road west to and including Montreal River; West is from just west of Montreal River to Thunder Bay. – Monitors, and coordinates where appropriate, activities of clubs within their region. – Coordinates region-wide activities in conjunction with club presidents. – Assists the President as requested to carry out Association-wide activities. – Assists the Publicity Director in publicizing the VTA within their region.

Records, prepares and distributes the minutes of all meetings within 30 days of their occurrence. – Assists the President in preparing the agenda for meetings, and distributes the same at least one week before the meeting. – Prepares general correspondence as requested by any member of the Council.

Receives, records and deposits all VTA monies. – Prepares and distributes cheques for regular VTA expenditures. – Issues receipts for tax-deductible donations. – Maintains accurate financial records and reports on financial matters at meetings. – Audits monthly bank statements for accuracy and works with appointed auditors to double-check the financial records. – Prepares the annual tax return and handles all other government correspondence related to finances. – Keeps a written record of and coordinates the bulk purchases of tools for the Clubs in the Association.

– Maintains accurate records of members. – Receives and replies to all membership correspondence. – Receives all general inquiries and replies to same.
– Delivers regular status reports on membership levels at meetings.
– Provides member information to committees on request. 

– Maintains a landowner database of all landowners along the route of the Voyageur Trail from information supplied by the local Clubs (each Club is responsible for determining the routing of new or re-routed trail in its geographical area, securing permission from landowners for the trail to cross their lands and forwarding this information to the Membership Secretary for inclusion in the Landowner database).

The Publicity Director is a Coordinating Council position and requires attending meetings either in person or via conference calls. The publicity director’s responsibilities include preparing and distributing brochures and other printed publicity materials for the Association. – Preparing and distributing press releases for major events. – Maintaining the VTA display and arranges to set it up at significant venues. – Speaking to media requests about the Association and its Clubs – Works with the Webmaster to maintains the VTA web site information current. Works with the Social media coordinator to keep social media channels current and relevant.

– Maintains the ArcInfo shape files of the trail and the associated background information for the trail maps. – Updates, as required, the ArcInfo files as trail changes are made. – Produces new maps when needed. – Provides data to local Clubs as requested, i.e. GPS tracks and waypoints. – Works with local Clubs to provide custom maps, information on landowners, etc. – Works with external agencies to maintain and expand the database, i.e. MNR MoHP, etc.

– Represents and cast votes on issues for the Voyageur Trail Association at Hike Ontario meetings. – Reports back to the Coordinating Council on the activities of Hike Ontario.

– Maintains up-to-date descriptions and maps of the Voyageur Trail, as submitted by members.
– Prepares and submits reports of trail changes for communication to trail users.
– Develops and keeps up-to-date trail app for Smartphones and tablets.
– Maintains the supply of Guidebooks for sale.

– Compiles, prepares, prints and distributes the Voyageur Trail News at least three times a year (deadlines: April 1st, August 1st & December 1st) to members in good standing, landowners and complementary addressees. – Determines the size and content of the newsletter using the following guidelines: all paid advertisements in the newsletter should be related to the Voyageur Trail Association’s objectives and goals; members and landowners in good standing shall be allowed free advertising for lands/outdoors equipment for sale; articles should somehow be related to our initiatives, interests or activities and should try (to the extent possible) to represent all areas of the trail route. – Acts as Association spokesperson with those individuals/businesses who wish to advertise in the Voyageur Trail News.

– Secures general and directors/officers liability insurance for the VTA and member clubs through Hike Ontario or directly through a broker. – Ensures policies are renewed annually in timely fashion. – Communicates with Hike Ontario and/or the insurance broker on policy issues. – Collects financial, executive, general membership, trail and activity information for the insurer. – Upon request, arranges addition of landowners to the general liability policy. – Acquires certificates of insurance as needed.

Social Media Coordinator (helps Publicity) – Works with the Publicity director and club representatives to keep social media channels current and relevant.

Trails Master: The Trails Master is a Coordinating Council position and requires attending meetings either in person or via conference calls. The trails master will coordinate – combine trails audit reports from various sources (website, social media, club reports and email reports) and will determine areas that need maintenance. This information will then be passed on to the trail maintenance volunteers. The trail master will work with the Trails Data Manager to keep the trails data up to date. The Trails Master will organize the events for Trail Maintenance week. The Trails Master will keep informed of Forest Management plans that affect the trail.

Working with the membership coordinator and the president, the volunteer coordinator will focus on the recruitment, organization and recognition of volunteers. Recruitment includes updating volunteer websites, posting volunteer requirements on social media and investigating membership forms for members that have volunteered to help out. Organization refers to the listing of type of volunteer, contact information and mobilizing those volunteers when needed. Recognition of volunteers refers to the organizing of the yearly draw for free memberships for volunteers, as well as collecting nominations for internal awards and external awards.

Interested in getting involved? Let us know!